Wow, nice work.  You completed the Grief Assessment inventory.  


With a score of 45 and lower . . . eBook cover

you show a healthy management of your Life With Loss and the qualities of a Loss Manager.  It is wonderful to see such healthy grief processing.  

A Loss Manager is a very powerful life trait for yourself and for your loved ones.

The Loss Manager is one who has managed their loss and has begun live a healthy and full life with loss.  

This does not mean that there will not be moments of sorrow and despair.  From time to time the do emotions well up and we feel like we are back in the loss moment again.

The difference is that now, instead of fearing the emotion and wondering when you will find joy, the Loss Manager is able to have joy in the love and memory of the departed (or time before the loss).  

Loss Managers truly know what it means to "mourn with those that mourn" and you have the insight and skill to assist others. 



Are you ready to learn more about the Pathways Through Grief provcess
and Brett M. Judd MSW?

Watch this short intrduction to discover what grief really is. 





We would love it if you would become involved in the Pathway Through Grief Facebook group. Your experience is so needed and when we help others through the grief process, we actually increase our own peace and joy.

To increase your skills as a Loss Manager it is suggested that you invest in the Pathway Through Grief program - begininning with the - 

Good Grief - Really coaching
video/audio download coaching program and Guidebook.

The insights and skills you will learn in this program will greatly enhance your abilities and your own happiness in life.   

This can greatly increase the work you may currently be doing with others going through loss. With a Loss Manager score, you have much to offer to others as they are moving through their pathway through grief. 

In Beautiful-Oil-painting-The-Death-of-the-First-Born-Grieving-young-couple-canvas.jpg Good Grief - Really - Pathway Through Grief 

you will receive –

Increased Hope, Joy, Understanding, and coping following your loss through . . .


~ Lifetime access to the downloadable coaching webinar.        where you learn to 

       1.  What Grief is and what it is not.

       2.  Why loss impacts every part of your life.

       3.  How to finally make sense of your Emotional Abyss


       4. What it means to have a Life With Loss as a Loss           Manager

~ Personal Pathway Guidebook      

    to help you identify and process your personal grief      experience. 

~ Access to the private - members only - Facebook group  where you will joijn other Pathway members who are working through their loss and grief together. Brett is there and other support coaches to help you. Brett does regular live group conversations and videos in the group to assist the members. 


CLICK THE IMAGE Below to learn more about the Pathway Through Grief and become an even better Loss Manager for this Life With Loss

